Johanna Drucker, Program Director, Media Studies Program
John Unsworth, Program Director, IATH and English Department
Andrea Laue, Program Coordinator, graduate student in English Department
Matthew Gibson, Assistant Director of Etext Center
Philip Gochenaur, Media Studies Program
Stephanie Guerlain, Department of Systems and Information Engineering
Tom Horton, Computer Science Department
Worthy Martin, Computer Science Department and IATH
Jerome McGann, English Department
Bethany Nowviskie, graduate student in English Department
Daniel Pitti, IATH
Steve Ramsay, IATH and graduate student in English Department
Ben Ray, Religious Studies Department
Geoffrey Rockwell, Humanities Computing Center, McMaster University
Chris Ruotolo, Associate Director of Etext Center
Douglas Seefeldt, Woodrow Wilson Fellow, VCDH
Will Thomas, VCDH and History Department
Kimberly Tryka, Associate Director of VCDH
Selmer Bringsjord, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Trevor Harris, University of West Virginia
Matthew Kirschenbaum, Univeristy of Maryland
Geoffrey Rockwell, McMaster University
John Sowa
This page was created on 10 August 2002.