Special Iteration of IATH Fellowship Program: Developmental Fellowships

February 29, 2024

The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) is seeking proposals from UVA faculty for a special iteration of our Fellowship Program. IATH’s Resident Fellowship program has been the heart of IATH since its founding in 1993, enabling us to support and guide selected Fellows in collaborative design and development of scholarly research projects of many kinds that draw upon advanced digital technology. The objects of research—data about people, texts, two- or three-dimensional artifacts, geographic information and so on—may be processed with various tools for computational representation, graphic display, quantitative analysis, and qualitative interpretation.

IATH is located in the UVA Library’s new Digital Humanities Center (DHC), in the renovated third-floor space of the main library.The DHC comprises IATH and the Scholars’ Lab, a team that supports humanities scholarship in the digital arena with a more pedagogical focus—graduate fellowships, including the Praxis program—as well as GIS, Cultural Heritage Informatics, a Makerspace, workshops, colloquia, and speakers.

This year, to mark the kick-off of the DHC, the 2024 Fellowship will be focused on identifying and developing ambitious and long-term digital scholarship based in humanities disciplines. Therefore we are offering two one-year Developmental Fellowships that will include up to $5,000 for research support and a dedicated space in the DHC during the fellowship period. We will return to the Residential Fellowship program in 2025. Any faculty member involved in humanities research through any department of the University of Virginia system is eligible.

Led by IATH, the staff of the DHC will collaborate with the Fellows to develop a plan adapted to Fellows’ research needs, and existing staff skills, time, and resources. We anticipate this will include regular consultations on project planning, design, and implementation, considering the extent of the planned work and future project scope, aims, and duration or preservation. We will provide training for the Fellows in skills needed or referrals to tutorials or workshops; access to equipment and software; advice and collaboration on effective budgeting and project management, as well as assistance to identify and pursue internal and external funding. The fellowship period begins June 1, 2024, and will end May 31, 2025. A successful Developmental Fellowship is likely to lead to continuing affiliation with the DHC as outlined above, with further opportunities to apply for fellowship support and guidance on grants.

Applications are due April 1, 2024. Please contact Sarah Wells (spw4s_at_virginia.edu) to talk about your proposal.